Junk Yard Texture Graphic Style

Today's free download is an Illustrator Graphic Style called Junk Yard. It’s an easy and fast way to apply texture to your designs.

Included in this download is a regular Illustrator file that already has some live type set up with gritty texture. Just use the type tool to replace the current letters with your own wording. You can also use any font that you have on your system. The effects will automatically be applied!

With the Graphic Style Library, you can apply these effects to ANY shape, live type, and even outlined type!

If you want to use the Graphic Style Library, just open the Library file included in the download. Then go Window>>Graphic Styles. Select your shape and click on one of the icons in the Graphic Styles Window to apply the effects.

Junkyard Graphic Style is included in Graphic Design Launch Kit and is a Free Download for TheVectorLab Newsletter subscribers (check your inbox for the direct download link). Sign up for my free newsletter here: